My Talks

  • ArmadaJS "Remix your UI & UX to another level"


    Remix x Storyblok combination to level up your UI & UX to another level! I presented this talk in a great city, Novi Sad, Serbia.

  • React Alicante "Remix your UI & UX to another level"


    Remix x Storyblok combination to level up your UI & UX to another level! I presented this talk in a gorgeous city, Alicante, Spain.

  • Init Conf "Remix your UI & UX to another level"


    Remix x Storyblok combination to level up your UI & UX to another level! I presented this talk in a beautiful city, Banja Luka, Bosnia.

  • GirlCode Coffee Break #2 - Bootcamp Edition


    In September, we want to talk about Web Development Bootcamps: is it a good idea to join one? What are the differences between the different bootcamps? And how can you find the right option for yourself?

  • GirlCode Coffee Break #1 - Imposter Syndrome


    Join us for GirlCode Coffee Break - our casual monthly get together. Let's chat about things in Tech that we care about, but address way too little.

  • Code & Chill with Storyblok#1- Building an SDK Ecosystem Part 1


    A Twitch streaming hosted by Storyblok to casually explore Storyblok-related features and introduce new approaches.

  • Stories from the Blok #8 V2 Deep Dive Edition


    For this edition, we decided to take you on an exciting journey of Storyblok V2. Let’s dive deep into the awesome & intuitive CMS experience and explore the new V2 features designed to shape the future of digital storytelling.

  • DevRel Japan CONFERENCE 2022


    An open panel discussion about DevRel after working for a year as DevRel. Discussions are in Japanese.

  • Storyblok V2 Launch Event "Meet the future of digital storytelling"


    Storyblok V2 is here: an all-new, faster, more intuitive CMS packed with new features designed to shape the future of digital storytelling.

  • Smashing Magazine "Crash Course to Jamstack with Next.js and Storyblok"


    You may have already heard about the Jamstack. You have probably used Next.js, and recently you may have heard a lot about headless CMSs. In this quick course, we will put all these pieces together, and we will show you why Storyblok — in combination with Next.js — is the best combo for your next project. Join us so that you can try it yourself!

  • JS Party Podcast "Live from Remix Conf!"


    I joined JS Party live podcast recording during the Remix Conf 2022. We had 7 guests including me in this episode. The episode is in the order of Kent C. Dodds, Henri Helvetica, Arisa Fukuzaki, Anthony Frehner, Emily Kauffmann, Aron Saunders, and Michael Jackson. The hosts were Ali and Divya.

  • Remix Conf 2022 "Remix your UI & UX to another level"


    Build performant web apps with a full-stack framework, Remix. Remix focuses on the UI to enjoy fast & resilient UX. Experience the “Remix magic” that enables no fetching & pre-fetch all in parallel before users make actions. As Remix focuses on UI & UX, why not share the “Remix magic” with the business users? In this talk, we’re going to see together the combination of the new generation of a full-stack framework, Remix & a visual editor integrated headless CMS (Storyblok). Are you ready to explore a whole new level of experience?

  • untangling GraphQL "Go beyond in Jamstack with React & Storyblok"


    Discover the future of the headless and join the revolution in visual editing with GraphQL, React, and Storyblok. The powerful combination of React.js, GraphQL & Storyblok empowers your content creators & marketers to experiment with content without fear. You'll learn how to develop a project using the real-time visual editor & component-based approach in no time.

  • React Conference Live "i18n guide in the world of Jamstack"


    Do you want to know the efficient approach to i18n and localization in the Jamstack world? In React Conference Live, I showed multiple strategies to translate and localize your content with useful tips in a practical way, including what's to keep in your mind for the future and how to scale your solution in the future.

  • Gatsby Webinar "High-Performance Localization with Gatsby and Storyblok"


    Localizing is fantastic for reaching new markets with content that speaks in their preferred language. With Gatsby, you don’t have to tradeoff adding new locales with longer publishing times or extra site admin. And we’re teaming up with Storyblok to show you how to scale localization efficiently and performantly.

  • CityJS Conf "Gatsby.Jamstack for developers & business users!"


    CityJS Conf London edition is an in-person conference. I presented the Gatsby.Jamstack works for everyone including business users. By not leaving anyone behind, you'll see a real-time visual editor & component-based approach with options to serve content with Storyblok & Gatsby tech stacks. Better DX & better UX!

  • codebar festival 2022


    Do you want to know the efficient approach to i18n and localization in the Jamstack world? At codebar festival, I showed one of the strategies to translate and localize your content with useful tips in a practical way, including what's to keep in your mind for the future and how to scale your solution in the future.

  • GatsbyConf 2022 "Jamstack Crash Course Using Gatsby"


    You know about the Jamstack. You probably already used Gatsby, and recently you may hear a lot about the headless CMS's. In this crash course, Arisa and Facundo will put all the pieces together, and show you why Storyblok in combination with Gatsby is the best combo for your next project. Stop by and try it yourself!

  • GatsbyConf 2022 "Leveling Up In Jamstack with Gatsby & Storyblok"


    Discover the future of the Jamstack and join the revolution in visual editing with Storyblok & Gatsby. The powerful combination of Gatsby.js & Storyblok empowers your content creators & marketers to experiment with content without fear. You'll learn how to develop a blazing fast project using the real-time visual editor & component-based approach in no time. Long live Jamstack!

  • State of Headless CMS | January 2022


    Keep up with modern web technology advancements through this special “State of” event hosted by This Dot Media. You'll hear from various, exciting companies about the latest features, roadmaps, recent updates, & more!

  • Aviyel Podcast "Journey into Developer Relations | Arisa"


    Sharing a DevRel journey of mine at Aviyel Podcast. Starting from how I got into the tech world, how was the path from front-end dev to DevRel, teaching experience in DevRel, etc. This episode could be relevant to what I wrote in the blog post, "Perhaps, you could be a potential DevRel"

  • NDC Oslo "No more conflicts - Jamstack that works for developers & business users with Gatsby.js"


    Experience a combination of a blazing-fast Gatsby and the headless CMS (Storyblok) that works for everyone. You'll learn how to develop & deploy a blazing fast blog using the real-time visual editor & component-based approach. This talk is provided in person in Oslo.

  • GatsbyJS Deep Dive with Queen Raae: "Adding content with Storyblok with the help of Arisa Fukuzaki"


    GatsbyJS Deep Dive with Queen Raae is a live show to solve small tasks with pirates crew and pirate guests. We were adding About page content with Storyblok and used Gatsby's File System Route API to generate pages.

  • DevRel/Japan 2021, Panel Discussion: "DevRel in Abroad" (Japanese talk)


    DevRel/Japan is the 1st DevRel conference in Japan. In the panel discussion, we discussed the DevRels abroad, different roles in each company, what's the moment made us think to be DevRels, etc.

  • Hyper Island: "Nevertheless I coded"


    Hyper Island is a programming education organization. I talked about my professional career path. The talk was available exclusively for the students. But my slides are available from the linked URL.

  • The Collab Lab: "i18n guide in the world of Jamstack"


    The Collab Lab is a programming education organization. I talked about one of the approaches to simplify internationalization in multiple ways that are provided from Storyblok. A hands-on blog post tutorial and a multi-language blog demo are available from the slides.

  • Next.js Conf 2021: "How Next.js Scales to Millions of Pages with ISR"


    Next.js Conf 2021 is an official online conference hosted by Vercel. I talked about how Next.js scales to over 5K pages with ISR by interviewing one of Storyblok's customers. Also, demonstrated the comparison between SSR, SSG, and ISR in a headless (Storyblok) environment.

  • React Brussels: "Gatsby.Jamstack for developers & business users!"


    React Brussels is an online conference hosted by BeJS to provide the best React ecosystem. I demonstrated how to integrate Storyblok with Gatsby.js projects to enable headless architecture, and deployed to Gatsby Cloud.

  • "Creating a Localized Knowledge Base Article"

    2021-09-28 has full courses of Storyblok for content creators and developers. I demonstrated localization (i18n) by using the Field-Type translation and the Folder-Level translation features from Storyblok.

  • #1 Headless CMS: Open Live Panel Discussion

    2021-09-27 offers DevRel content and developer content for developers. I attended as a panelist to discuss the pros and cons of headless architecture as well as the features from Storyblok to solve issues to enhance the project performance.

  • "Integrating Shopify with Storyblok"

    2021-09-24 has full courses of Storyblok for content creators and developers. I demonstrated how to integrate Shopify & Gatsby.js projects into Storyblok as a headless eCommerce approach.

  • "Integrating Storyblok into Gatsby Cloud Hosting"

    2021-09-10 has full courses of Storyblok for content creators and developers. I demonstrated how to integrate Storyblok & Gatsby.js projects into Gatsby Cloud to deploy.

  • Code Polaris Study meetup #6: "Gatsby.Jamstack for developers & business users!"


    Code Polaris is one of the biggest Japanese women in tech community. In this study meetup, I demonstrated a live demo with Gatsby & Storyblok project, and Gatsby Cloud Hosting deployment in 20 minutes!

  • JP Women Non-binary In Tech: "$whoami"


    A lightning talk in JP women nonbinary in tech community. In this event, I shared my experience of how I joined a tech from a non-tech career background as well as to share my goal as a DevRel Engineer.

  • Code Polaris: "Nevertheless, she coded"


    Code Polaris is an online community for Japanese developers to study in a comfortable environment for women. The 2 main purposes are "find your guiding starts" and "be a role model". In this event, I shared my career path. It's a Japanese version of the "Nevertheless, she coded" movement.

  • GatsbyConf 2021: "Finding My Developer Happy Path"


    A real-world developer’s real-world journey to discovering her happy path building with Gatsby + Headless CMS. I say goodbye to cumbersome traditional CMSs and struggling for SSL certification… And a happy hello to Gatsby’s React-based component architecture, flexible content types with GraphQL, free blazing fast hosting.